24-25 Nov 2023 Namur (Belgium)

Mental health in Academia

WARNING : Gender-based difficulties are still very present in Academia. To learn more about how to bring solutions to that, be present at the UNISAFE conference next tuesday and wednesday. More info here : https://unisafe-gbv.eu/project-news/final-conference/

The BRCP is an international association of physicists, mathematicians and philosophers who promote a critical view of academia and adopt different practices in their research. For more information: https://basic-research.org

This year, the theme bringing us together in Namur, Belgium, is the mental health of researchers, and the introductory lectures are open to the public (although the complementary discussion sessions will remain internal to the association).

We will be welcoming the following speakers:


We regret to have to cancel Anne Lovell's lecture as she has had to withdraw for health reasons. We are aware of the resulting gender bias, which is beyond our control.

Panel of local actors

  • Anne Staquet (UMons)
  • UNamur psychosocial risk unit
  • PhiloCité

Registration is free of charge and particularly encouraged for Master students and PhD candidates at UNamur, as they are part of a population whose mental health is concerning. Sensory suppression devices will be provided on site if necessary and a resting room will be available at all times to make the conference accessible to neuroatypical people. Access to the rooms will also be guaranteed for people with reduced mobility.


Collaborating organizations




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